CNIH Joins the CAR Annual Day on the Hill: Advocating for the Future of Radiology

CNIH proudly participated in the 9th Annual CAR Day on the Hill, lending a helping hand to advocate for better access to medical imaging for all Canadians. The Canadian Association of Radiologists (CAR) is the national voice of radiology in Canada, dedicated to promoting medical imaging excellence through education, advocacy, and collaboration.

With our dedicated Diagnostic Medical Sonography (DMS) instructors on-site, we joined CAR in championing essential improvements through a strengthened radiology workforce strategy and advancements in imaging technology.

The event showcased CAR’s impactful efforts, including raising awareness about Canada’s imaging workforce shortage, advocating for modernized breast cancer screening guidelines, and securing investments in innovative imaging equipment. Live demonstrations, like mobile mammography clinics, highlighted the vital role radiology plays in delivering accessible, high-quality healthcare.

CNIH is proud to stand alongside CAR in addressing these crucial challenges. Together, let’s pave the way for better, faster access to medical imaging across Canada!

Learn more about the event here.

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