

Canadian National Institute of Health – Financing Your Education!

1. Student Loans from Financial institutions

Dental Hygiene is a professional designation program. Financial institutions are likely to finance students in a low risk category as they are aware of the favourable employment prospects and relatively high salaries. CNIH is currently affiliated with RBC, however, we encourage students to seek out the most competitive rates possible.

2. Monthly Payments

We make paying for your education easier by offering monthly payment options.

3. Registered Education Savings Plan

Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) If you are named as the beneficiary of this plan you may be able to use these funds.

4. The Lifelong Learning Plan

Withdrawal from RRSP (Registered Retirement Saving Plans). The Canada Revenue Agency Lifelong Learning Plan (LLP) : allows you to withdraw funds from your RRSP’S to finance education. You can also withdraw from your spouse or common law partner. Limits are $10,000 per year to a maximum of $20,000.

5. Employment Ontario

The Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU) administers programs (seconds careers) that help unemployed Ontarians retrain and get back into the workforce .

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